
Accessibility statement

The company making the statement ”CFL“ is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the law of 28 May 2019 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies. This accessibility statement applies to:

What is digital accessibility?
Everyone should be able to easily use and consult the information on a website or an app, in particular people with disabilities and/or using assistive software or specialised equipment (blind, partially sighted or otherwise disabled people).

Compliance status
This website is not compliant with the European Standard EN 301 549 and Web Accessibility Assessment Repositary (RAWeb1).  CFL undertakes to improve the accessibility of this website. From 2024, a series of adaptations to this website will be made in order to improve its accessibility.

Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 27 September 2023. The declarations contained in this statement are accurate and based on an actual evaluation of this website compliance with the requirements defined in RAWeb 1, such as an assessment carried out by a third-party: SIP.

Feedback and contact information
If you notice a lack of accessibility, send us an email to describe your problem and specify the page on which it occured. We commit to replying to you within 1 month. Within reasonable limits, the correction of the accessibility issue will preferably be carried out online such as to remedy the problem in a sustainable way. Should this not be possible, the information you requested can be made available to you in an accessible format of your choice:

  • in writing in a document or email;
  • orally during a conversion or by phone.

Enforcement procedure
Should the reply be unsatisfactory, you also have the possibility of informing the Information and Press Service, the body responsible for supervising accessibility, via its online complaint form or the Ombudsperson, the mediator of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

This statement is based on the model set out in the Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523. This model is owned by the European Union and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.