Go with the CFL for an educational and fun experience on the farm. 

With its gardens, cultivation areas and cheese dairy, the Kass-Haff is not only a farm, but also an educational space. The site, which also houses a teaching garden, invites young and old to participate in farm life and enjoy the nature around them. 

From the barn to the henhouse 

Goats, chickens, pigs, or cows, time for a group outing, family, interact with various farm animals. A small guided tour will make you discover the farm as a whole. For the youngest, it is an opportunity to help the farmer feed the goats, collect eggs, and much more.

In the shoes of a greengrocer 

Among the educational activities offered, the Kass-Haff teaches the youngest about vegetable growing.  How to plant vegetables? How to take care of them over the seasons? When to harvest them? The art of growing your own vegetables will have no secrets for you and your child. 

Interested? Take CFL trains and public transport to Mersch or Lintgen stations to reach Rollingen and the Kass-Haff.


Plan your trip  