Discover Carcassonne with its medieval city of more than 2500 years of history

Fancy a trip to the south of France?

Carcassonne, a dynamic, cultural, and gastronomic town, is classified as a Town of Art and History. Built by the architect Pierre Paul Riquet in the 17th century under the reign of Louis XIV. Carcassonne is also a green city with its Canal du Midi. Its charm lies in its vineyards and the beauty of its unusual landscapes.

Go with TGV INOUI from Luxembourg station! Enjoy the service and comfort on board the train.

Do you frequently travel alone or accompanied by TGV INOUI, INTERCITÉS and TER in France and Europe? ​ With your “Carte avantage”* enjoy affordable prices, even at the last minute.

Organize your trip from start to finish! TGV INOUI offers taxi reservations or car rental.
My car rental*

Activity ideas:

  • The medieval city of Carcassonne
  • The Comtal castle
  • Saint-Nazaire Basilica
Discover Carcassonne
Reserve your trip and accommodation with our travel agency:
+352 2489 4800
You have already an accommodation? Book your train trip here:  +352 2489 2489  Callcenter CFL

* All services offered are exclusively under the responsibility of TGV INOUI